Friday, May 27, 2016

My Favorite Super Bowl Commercial of 2016

Okay, the Super Bowl has been over for a hot minute, and while this year's game didn't end in as much controversy as last year's (I still don't understand how you don't hand that ball to Beast and let him pound it in), there was the usual amount of chatter about the commercials.
As we all know, Super Bowl commercials are insanely expensive, but advertisers are getting a huge amount of bang for their buck - arguably the biggest television event of the year with a monstrous number of eyeballs glued to the set.  That being the case, there's often a tendency to play it safe when it comes to ads airing during the game. 
What does "play it safe" mean?  Well, comedy always goes over well, so commercials that go for a laugh are always good.  Moreover, ads with babies and animals have a tendency to resonate well with audiences. (One exception to this, in my opinion, was the puppy-monkey-baby commercial that aired this year which apparently tried to combine all of the successful elements I mentioned above. The outcome was a commercial that was...disturbing, to say the least, as the end result was a kind of Frankenstein that made you want to want to join a mob and run after it with torches and pitchforks. Worst of all, the puppy-monkey-baby concept so overshadowed everything else that I can't even recall the product that was actually being advertised. Unless what they were advertising was an actual puppy-monkey-baby...)
Anyway, my favorite commercial this year was the following ad from Dollar Shave Club:
Frankly speaking, I thought this was just hilarious. Plus, I love the way Dollar Shave Club plainly exaggerates the cost of new razor blades in their commercials.  (I think in another one of their ads, a man who is a husband and father contemplates selling one of his kids in order to buy a new razor.) I think they've done a good job of injecting humor into what is typically a dull, humdrum subject, and I hope they continue doing so.


***I know that people are going to look at this post and say "WTF? The Superbowl was 6 months ago!"  But I put effort into this shit, okay?  I just forgot to hit "Publish" when I initially finished the post way back when.

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