Sunday, October 1, 2017

Trump, Equifax and other "Stuff" that Happens

Shit happens.

Your car breaks down. 
Trump gets elected.
Equifax gets breached.
And so on...

Shit happens.  It's an elemental truth, a universal constant. Things just have a tendency to go to hell.

Take Trump's election to the White House, for instance.  Over the years, I've heard stories told of people doing doing crazy things at the voting booth, such as electing dogs, mules - even a fucking rhino - to public office.  But Trump?  It really boggles the mind...  The only solace I can get from the stituation is that he didn't win the popular vote (which means that - at the very least - the majority of voters recognized that the man isn't fit for office).  That's not to say that Hillary didn't have issues - she certainly did - but if we're talking about the lesser of two evils...

Anyway, Trump in the White House is just an example of how shit happens, how life throws you a curve ball when you least expect it.  Another example is the Equifax breach.

The Equifax situation is just a debacle, a monumental fuck-up that can only be described as epic.  The amount of data at risk is just mindblowing: the personal information fo 143 million people.  But more than that, the company sat on news of the breach for an extended period - time that the average Joe could have been using to protect themselves!   It's like the fire department getting notice that your house is ablaze, then deciding they're going to finish watching the game before jumping on the truck and heading over.

As everyone knows by now, there hasn't been a lot of accountability as far as Equifax is concerned (eg, the CEO resigned, but will still collect millions in pension benefits).  The company has also set up a website  - - to help individuals determine if their personal information was compromised.  There are also other sites you can visit to help with this situation, including the The FCC's Identity Theft Page, Identity Theft Defense HQ, and more. Probably the best thing to do is take advantage of the free credit monitoring Equifax is offering, initiate a credit freeze, and then just stay vigilant.

Needless to say, these are just two examples of shit not going quite as planned or expected.  Other things will happen on a daily basis, from your car breaking down, to your kid flunking a class in school, to your boss blaming you for something that wasn't your fault.  The bottom line is that shit happens in life.  Moreover, there really isn't a way to plan for it.  All you can do is deal with it - roll with the punches - and try to be ready the next time something goes bananas.